Chiropractic News

To keep you informed about developments in the chiropractic and osteopathic fields, we have included this news feed.

Graston Technique Research


Graston  Technique®(GT) is an interdisciplinary treatment used by more than 9,000 clinicians worldwide—including athletic trainers, chiropractors, hand therapists, occupational and physical therapists.


GT is utilized at some 825 outpatient facilities and industrial on-sites, by more than 150 professional and amateur sports organizations, and is part of the curriculum at 36 respected colleges and universities.


Check out what the research says here

Read testimonials here

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Christopher Family Chiropractic Goes Online with New Website

Buffalo's most trusted chiropractor can now be accessed via the Internet. The new site offers detailed information about the practice, techniques and the chiropractic field in general.


Visit the new website today to find out about us, our visiting hours and to make an appointment online.